VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, is the day when the Allied Forces won over Germany. 

On May 8th, 1945, former Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced that Germany had finally surrendered and the fighting across Europe had finished. To celebrate, the day was made a public holiday, where people sang and danced outside their homes and also held street parties.



Please use this PPT to see extra information about VE Day:

VE Day Information PPT


Diary Entry

A diary entry written by the Head teacher of Boldmere School in 1942 which documents when the school was hit by a bomb affecting the roof of the Infant school's hall:

Diary Entry


King George VI's Letter to all schoolchildren

This is a photograph of the letter that King George sent school to thank children for all of their courage during World War II. It was sent on 8th June 1946.

Letter To School From King George VI


Facts about VE Day:

  • VE Day, Victory in Europe Day, marks the defeat over Germany by the Allied Forces during World War II. Part of the Allied Forces were Britain, France, Russia, and the US.
  • VE Day doesn’t mark the end of WW2 – the end is considered to be on September 2nd, 1945 after the defeat of Japan.
  • VJ Day stands for Victory over Japan Day which was on August 15th, 1945 after Japan got defeated.
  • Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II), and her sister Princess Margaret, slipped out and joined the crowds outside Buckingham Palace celebrating the end of the war on VE Day! Under the darkness, the Princesses were able to celebrate unnoticed. The Queen allegedly called it “one of the most memorable nights of my life”.
  • The entire royal family – as well as Prime Minister Winston Churchill – also came out to greet the public on the balcony of Buckingham Palace as celebrations continued.
  • King George VI also gave a radio speech. He famously said, “Let us remember those who will not come back…let us remember the men in all the services, and the women in all the services, who have laid down their lives. We have come to the end of our tribulation and they are not with us at the moment of our rejoicing.”


VE Day Newspaper

Read lots of great information about VE Day with this First News special VE Day edition!

VE Day Newspaper link




VE Day - Activities to complete ...



Boldmere Juniors Explorers Club – (See above) - Please click on the link to access this as a PDF.

Create your own sovereign - To mark this occasion design your own sovereign. Think about your design and make sure it is eye-catching. You could include flags, important buildings or people who were involved in the Second World War.


Infants Activities – (Please see above) – Please click here to access the PDF file

Other Activities:

VE Day Wordsearch - A wordsearch on VE Day

Union Jack Flag Colour By Numbers - Can you make your own Union Jack flag by colouring the numbers neatly and correctly?

WWII Spitfire Glider - Make your own WWII Spitfire Glider by following the instructions

VE Day Teacup Design - Design your very own teacup to celebrate VE Day!

Design a Medal - Design a World War II medal using the template

Union Jack Hand Held Flag - Cut out your own Union Jack to wave or use as bunting. Remember to ask for an adult's help when using scissors.



Please see the following information from Newsround for more fantastic information on VE Day:



Alternatively, use this BBC clip:
