Well-Being Resources
Well-Being Resources
Express Yourself Calendar
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From Birmingham with love – Winter 2020
We’ve all been through a tough time with Covid-19 and repeated lockdowns. For many families it can get harder over Winter, which is why we’re here to help.
Here are some of our partners’ most used services and support, which might make life a little bit easier…
From Birmingham With Love - Winter 2020
Supporting Children’s understanding of Coronavirus
Everybody Worries by Jon Burgerman
A brightly coloured picture book for children who are worried about Coronavirus.
Wellbeing Activities for children
Super Movers
These are videos that will get your child up and moving, and they are linked to the curriculum. The can also be selected based on which key stage your child is in.
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Move and relax with some yoga on Cosmic Kids. There are lots of different themes.
Go Noodle
Go Noodle gets children up and moving to fun, engaging content and games. It allows children to wake up their bodies as well as engaging their minds.
Supporting children's behaviour during school closure
Action for Children
Action for Children offer support for children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support.
They have some useful articles particularly around managing children's behaviour at home during the pandemic. All children are being affected by the pandemic in some form and they all respond differently and deal with their emotions in different ways.
Below are links to direct pages of their website that you may find helpful but please visit the website for further information on how to support your child at home.
Advice on how to manage challenging behaviour
Mindfulness and anxiety
Forward Thinking Birmingham
Forward Thinking Birmingham offers mental health support to children and young people in Birmingham.
Please refer to their website for further support and advice for mental health or emotional health issues you are worried about:
An assembly about wellbeing with a sing along with the cast of the West end show Lion King.
A kindness assembly led by the Duchess of Cambridge:
An assembly about resilience with a little help from a professional football player:
An assembly all about discovery with the first British astronaut - Helen Sharman
An assembly about the importance of movement (and learn some new dance moves!)
Supporting children with the transition back to school
Beacon School Support have created 5 tips for parents on how they can support their child returning back to school. Please follow link below.
Free widget toolkit
Supporting children who are experiencing bereavement
Resources for parents
Grief is overwhelming at any age, and children may struggle to express what they're going through. You can get the conversation started by:
- Sharing Lost for words – a free e-book of advice by grieving children for grieving children
- Sharing 'Thunks on death' (about halfway down the page) – a set of cards designed to open discussion about death and grief
- Completing memory books (see under the heading 'Resources for children and young people')
Children and bereavement – includes lots of resources for parents and children, including helplines and tips for creating a memory box
Child Bereavement UK
Cruse Bereavement Care
- Children and young people's physical responses to grief
- Children and young people's emotional responses to grief
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
- On My Mind is a resource for children to learn how to support their own mental health and wellbeing. It stresses the important of self-care
Children’s books:
- No Matter What by Debi Gliori
- Come Back Grandma by Sue Limb
- Badger’s Parting Gift by Susan Varley
- The Memory Tree by Britta Teckentrup
Always and Forever by Debi Gliori and Alan Durant
Supporting children during lockdown and school closures
BBC Children in Need wanted to share Dr Radha’s really useful, top tips to help parents and children cope being at home during these strange and uncertain times.
New resources:
Link to CBeebies 'Get Well Soon' program where Dr Ranj addresses coronavirus.
Widgit resource. Widgit, which is a symbol-based language used predominantly to support those with special educational needs, have released free materials including updated symbols for Covid- 19 and a series of boredom buster activities
NHS Guidance on looking after children and young children during the cornavirus outbreak
Just a few little ideas you may want to try with your children whilst you are at home.
Activity 3:
Activity 2:
Activity 1:
Mental Health Links
Click here to access a document with some links to websites and ideas to keep your minds and bodies active
Mental Health and Well-Being Links
Mental Health Pack
With the closure of schools, we have collated some mental health resources to support you during this time.
Coronavirus Mental Health Pack