Welcome to Year 4

We cannot wait to meet you all in September and to help you get ready for your new teachers and classes we have created this page with lots of information on.

Mr R Uppal

Mr R Uppal

Year 4 Year Lead, Class Teacher, PE and Sport Funding Leader, Educational Visits Coordinator

Mrs S Churchill

Mrs S Churchill

Class Teacher, Values and Collective Worship Lead, Eco Committee

Mr D Hill

Mr D Hill

SLT, Year 4 Teacher, Writing Leader, Behaviour Lead

Mrs L Robinson

Mrs L Robinson

Class Teacher

Miss S Atkins

Miss S Atkins

Teaching Assistant, Speech and Language TA

Miss N Aldham

Miss N Aldham

Teaching Assistant (Year 3 and 4)

Miss C Nethercot

Miss C Nethercot

Teaching Assistant

Miss C Kelly

Miss C Kelly

Teaching Assistant


Year 4

Please see your new Year 4 classrooms for next year!


