“Learning to use and understand different technology safely.”



At Boldmere, we have researched many different commercial schemes and have decided to combine the Teach Computing Curriculum, which is created by the National Centre of Computing Education (NCCE) with our own curriculum to suit the needs of our Infant school. The majority of our children begin their school life with varied experiences of using technology from home, our job is to develop their prior knowledge and skills. The core of our computing curriculum is computer science in which the children are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use, through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create simple programmes. We want our children to become confident, creative and inquisitive learners, and ultimately thrive as digital citizens.



We have created a comprehensive progression document for staff to follow to best embed and cover every element of the computing curriculum. The knowledge/skills statements build year on year to deepen and challenge our learners.

In the EYFS, we support and encourage children to develop their computational thinking skills through each of the areas of continuous provision. Each domestic role-play is equipped with real life technology to enhance their imaginative play. The children’s knowledge of everyday IT is challenged to encourage skills to be developed.

In KS1, the children have access to a computer suite, iPads, Beebots and a computer to give opportunities to consolidate their learning. Our computing curriculum ensures that the children become digitally literate and develops the children’s understanding of the importance of computing and the impact that it plays in the world around us.

E-safety is taught within each computing lesson to highlight its importance, and we ensure it is referred to across the curriculum whenever computers are being used.


Computational Thinking

At Boldmere, we support and encourage the children’s Computational Thinking skills from Nursery through to Year 2. Computational thinking is all about solving problems – with or without a computer. Barefoot Computing has fantastic resources which focus on Computational thinking. We frequently use their activities in our Computing lessons, and each classroom has their Computational Thinker poster on display. These skills are developed across the whole curriculum, not just in Computing.

Please click here to read Barefoot Computing’s fantastic explanation of Computational Thinking.


Computer Science

Computer science is a very broad field which looks at the development and use of computer systems and programming, as well as the design and theory behind them. There are many cross-curricular links in computer science, especially with Maths and Science. 

At Boldmere, the majority of our children have grown up surrounded by all sorts of technology in our increasingly digital world, but this does not mean they will automatically become a confident digital citizen. Supporting the children to explore and experiment with computer science and computational thinking will give them a solid base of knowledge ready for the future, whatever they decide they would like to do.

There are fourteen different concepts involved in Computer Science, if you would like to learn more about them please click here for a clear and colourful explanation from BareFoot!



Computing in Action - What does Computing look like at Boldmere Infant and Nursery School?



The EYFS framework is structured very differently to the national curriculum as it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas.

The table below outlines the most relevant statements taken from the Early Learning Goals in the EYFS statutory framework and the Development Matters age ranges for Three and Four-Year-Olds and Reception to match the programme of study for computing. The most relevant statements for computing are taken from the following areas of learning:

· Personal, Social and Emotional Development

· Physical Development

· Understanding the World

·  Expressive Arts and Design

In Nursery, the children enjoy exploring different types of technology within their continuous provision. We have ‘real life’ technology in our home corner including telephones (new and old!) computer keyboards to ‘work’ on, old digital cameras to pretend to take pictures with and toy microwaves and cookers to support play. The children love to copy what they see at home, and learn best from their families so we frequently have selfies and typing going on! As well as independent play opportunities, the children are taught about technology.



In Reception, the children also have the opportunity to explore and play with technology in their home corners. In addition to this, they also begin to look at algorithms and programming using the BeeBots and BlueBots through direct teaching. Each Reception classroom also has a PC computer for the children to access, which we find many of Boldmere children are quite new to, as touch screen tablets have become so popular at home.



In addition to accessing technology and computers in classrooms, Year 1 and 2 children have access to an ICT suite in the Junior School. They thoroughly enjoy visiting the ICT suite, feeling extremely grown up logging on to individual PC’s, completing projects and learning new concepts and programs.




It is important for us to ensure our children are safe online both at school and at home. In the Infant school, our children are very young and do not have access to the internet in school without adult supervision. We discuss how to keep safe online frequently, and celebrated ‘Safer internet Day’ on 11th February 2020. All classes had discussions about the internet and e-safety appropriate to their age.


Please find links below to support you with e-safety at home.

Parent Info - advice for parents on keeping children safe online

Hector's World - Useful clips for Key stage 1 children about keeping safe online



Useful Resources

Barefoot Computing - Computing resources for all ages

STEM Learning - Key stage 1 resources

ICT Games - Online games for all ages which link to Maths and English

Top Marks - On line games for all ages linked to many subjects