History Curriculum Design Statement


At Boldmere, we aim for our children to develop a passion and love of history. We seek for them to develop their natural curiosity of the world around them and how this relates to their own personal history. We aim for children to understand the process of change and how this has impacted on, and shaped, the lives of people in the UK and beyond.

Curriculum Implementation

History is taught as a discrete subject, adapting the Grammarsaurus scheme of historical themes, skills and substantive knowledge whilst also factoring in studies of our local history. Our progression map is carefully designed to provide a solid structure, giving learning a clear sequence, as well as identifying the progression of skills that build on prior knowledge, including that from the key stage one curriculum. Our curriculum is delivered with a skills and knowledge approach in which teaching key historical skills are used as the vehicle to embed historical knowledge. We have carefully considered the systematic development of knowledge and skills to support children in having a secure chronological knowledge of British, local and world history. We have rich opportunities within our surrounding areas to make links and engage in local history, such as: Mossy Bank, Holy Trinity Church, Lunt Fort, Tamworth castle and the Birmingham canals.



  • All topics feature a thoughtfully chosen enquiry question designed to stimulate interest and debate in the historical context being taught.
  • Chronology is a key aspect of the history curriculum and this is enhanced through the use of an encompassing timeline that enables the children to compare and sequence key historical topics and themes.
  • Historical skills are transferrable and therefore are directly taught across different periods in time.






Year 4

During Autumn term, Year 4 have explored the life, achievements and influences of the Ancient Greeks. They worked extremely hard to compare the Ancient Greeks to nowadays, exploring language, government, Olympics and legacies. They were then able to answer their Historical Enquiry question: Can we thank the Ancient Greeks for anything today? Take a look at their fantastic work and their cross curricular links. 




Year 5

During Autumn term, Year 5 have explored the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the kingdom. They looking in depth at the Vikings to be able to answer their Historical Enquiry question: The Vikings- ruthless killers or peaceful settlers? Take a look at their fantastic work and their cross curricular links. 











Useful Websites

BBC History. Resources, links and activities on history topics.


Teaching History with 100 objects- British Museum
