Infant meals
Our school meals are cooked at the adjoining Boldmere Junior School kitchen, and transported to our dining hall on heated trolleys. Children have a choice of meals and in addition, there is a salad cart available every day. Children may bring a packed lunch if they prefer and taster meals are available for children who normally have a packed lunch.
School meals are provided by Dolce and meal choices are made in advance via SchoolGrid (Dolce). Infant children are all entitled to Universal Free School Meals so no payment for lunches is required.
Children eat their lunches in the dining hall and are supervised by Midday Supervisors, one allocated to each class.
We have a high adult to child ratio at lunchtimes and have a Learning Mentor who organises a wide range of activities for the children.
Children also receive a piece of fruit daily at mid-morning break time as part of the Governments Daily Fruit Scheme.
Please see our menu below: