SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years:

Published June 2014. This is statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities.  It relates to part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014.


Birmingham’s Local Offer:

As a result of the Children’s and Families Act 2014 it is the responsibility of the local authority to develop and publish a Local Offer setting out the support they expect to be available for local children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities. 


Please click on the links below explaining the SEND Birmingham Local Offer:

YouTube link - Birmingham Local Offer

YouTube - Signed link 


School SEND Information report

SEND Information Report


FAQs - Please click on each link to find out more.

1. What are the roles & responsibilities of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Leader Co-ordinator (SENDCO)?

2. How do Boldmere Schools know if children need extra help?

3. What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

4. Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child’s difficulties with learning Special Educational Needs or disabilities (SEND)?

5. How will the school support my child?

6. What is an Education Health Care Plan?

7. How do I get an EHCP?

8. What happens to children who do not have an EHCP?

9. Who can support parents through this process?

10. How can I let the school know I am concerned about my child’s progress in school?

11. How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child’s learning in school?

12. How will my child’s learning development be assessed?

13. Who are the other people providing services to children with Special Educational Needs?

14. How are the teachers in school helped to work with children with an SEND and what training do they have?

15. How do you keep parents of children and SEND involved?

16. How are Boldmere Schools accessible to children with SEND?

17. How will we support your child when they are joining / leaving school or moving to another class?

18. How does your school support children with medical needs?

19. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

20. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

21 Who can I contact for further information?

22. Abbreviations included in the Local Offer – what do they mean?



Parents have evaluated the usefulness of our report and they made the following comments: “Very informative;” “Questions and answers are very clear;” “It was really useful to read;” “It is good to know that I can read this before coming into school.”


SEND Policy:

All schools must publish a school SEND policy to describe the school provision for pupils with SEND.


Accessibility Plan:

All schools must comply with government legislation and have an Access Audit and an Accessibility Plan which is reviewed every 3 years.  The purpose of this plan is to show how this school intends, over time, to increase the accessibility of our school for disabled pupils. Definition of Disability: ‘A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’